
Ebooks by Katherine Pickett

NEW! Publishing Resources for Authors, Editors, and Publishers
$2.99, PDF, 30 pages
Why “Just Write the Book” Is Bad Advice
What Kinds of Freelance Editors Are There?
The Copyediting Process in a Nutshell
How Much Does Self-Publishing Really Cost?
Proofreading Equals Questioning: Tips for Self-Editing
The Many Paths to Publication: An Overview
Choosing Your Publishing Path: Self-Assessments
Ten Tips to Save Time and Money
Annotated Resources

Publishing Resources for Authors, Editors, and Publishers

Hiring and Working with a Freelance Editor
$2.99, PDF, 20 pages
How to Hire a Freelance Editor in 5 Easy Steps
Why Does Editing Take So Long?
Why Does Editing Cost So Much?

Freelancing as a Business: 7 Steps to Take Before Launch Day
$7.99, ePub, 30 pages
Published by Editorial Freelancers Association, available through Lulu
Step 1: Obtain Training in Your Field
Step 2: Build Your Business Connections
Step 3: Establish a Financial Cushion
Step 4: Find Your Support Network
Step 5: Form Your Business Entity
Step 6: Create an Online Presence
Step 7: Get the Word Out
Further Reading

Looking for Perfect Bound: How to Navigate the Book Publishing Process Like a Pro? Click here!

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