Consistent use of numerals (1, 2, 3) versus spelled-out numbers (one,
two, three) is one of the most common problems I see in my authors’
writing. Most just type whatever form their fingers choose at that
moment, but ultimately a rule of some kind should be established.
are at least four different numbers rules that a writer could follow.
Which one you choose has to do with the type of publication you are
writing for and the technical level of the material. Your options
include the following:
- Some publications prefer to spell out one through nine and use
numerals for all other numbers. This is often called the informal
numbers rule and is commonly employed in newspapers and magazines.
- Others prefer to spell out numbers one through one hundred and all
large, round numbers (e.g., ten thousand, fifty million). This rule
dominates the nonfiction trade book market, which includes general
interest, self-help, memoir — most books that are sold in bookstores but
are not textbooks or fiction. It is commonly referred to as the formal
numbers rule.
A small segment of publications use numerals in all instances except
in general uses like “I for one” or “for one thing.” I have only seen
this in corporate reports, where the press has decided numbers appear
often enough that it isn’t worth the time to deal with exceptions.
- And then there are those publications that spell out all numbers no
matter what. This is most commonly seen in fiction, where numbers are
used rarely, and when they are used, it is not for exact measurements.
I don’t know any cute names for these last two rules, but I do know they
are the simplest to follow. That is because they have the fewest
exceptions. Exceptions are what make numbers rules challenging even for
trained editors.
In fact, I’ve found one of the quick ways to tell a book that hasn’t
been edited very well is to look at the treatment of numbers. If I find a
bunch of inconsistencies, I figure the editor didn’t know her numbers
rules and has probably made other mistakes as well. (The numbers rule is
an early lesson in editing training.)
As the author, you can help by choosing the numbers rule that suits your
type of book and following it as best you can. It’s highly likely you
will make a mistake somewhere — use words where there should be numerals
or vice versa — but you can help yourself and your editor by working
toward consistency.
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